Azuro is the base layer for decentralized betting where markets are priced, created and made liquid. This is achieved through mixing 3 of crypto’s main primitives: Prediction Markets, NFTs and DAO governance, plus a brand new Liquidity Pool design, called the Liquidity Tree.


For Web3 Buidlers

Task1: Betting frontend

Created cool product with using Azuro SDK or Azuro protocol directly.

Example: [<>](<>)

**Task2: Tools to aggregate and analyze Azuro odds** 

Build smth like this - ‣ (Also you can try to improve it, you can find a proposal how to improve it in the Readme) with using Azuro SDK or Azuro protocol directly.



**Task** 3**. Dispute Resolution Mechanism**

In Azuro's design, every betting event that can be bet on is called a Condition. 

Conditions on the Azuro protocol are usually initialized 3-5 days before the game/event. They are initialized via [oracles](<>) which deliver data to the protocol. Each Azuro condition is initiated by Oracle and resolved in the same way.

Propose a Dispute Resolution Mechanism to handle the situation when the Oracle provides incorrect outcome when [resolving](<>) condition.

**Task** 4**. User competition mechanism**

Azuro Protocol allows you to create your own frontend. The protocol itself provides frontends with data (information about upcoming events, outcomes, odds) and liquidity. 

BUT, There is no mechanism to have contests. 

Do you know how to make it possible to create decentralized competitions? Where to get money to pay prizes? Please propose a solution.

**Task** 5**. Subgraphs**